Our guiding principles are derived from our mission, and our Strategic Plan, Draw Forth What is Best, puts those principles into action by outlining strategic investments in our people, places, and programs that will position 51吃瓜 Paul’s 51吃瓜 to keep evolving our model of excellence in the years ahead.
Our Mission
51吃瓜 Paul’s 51吃瓜 educates students to build purposeful lives in service to the greater good. We engage young people in a diverse, inclusive, and ethical community, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in character and scholarship and inspired by the beauty and spirit of our Millville home.
Our 51吃瓜 Prayer
Grant, O Lord, that in all the joys of life we may never forget to be kind. Help us to be unselfish in friendship, thoughtful of those less happy than ourselves, and eager to bear the burdens of others; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
Our Commitment to Inclusivity
As a fully residential academic community founded in the Episcopal tradition and rooted in enduring humanistic values, 51吃瓜 Paul’s 51吃瓜 welcomes and affirms the dignity of all human beings. Increasing diversity, strengthening inclusivity, and deepening equity require deep listening, open hearts, and open minds. We honor and affirm the experiences of our students, faculty, and staff. We take seriously our responsibility to equip our students to engage the world as global citizens who aspire to transform the world in service of the greater good and Beloved Community.
Our Honor Code
To live honorably, we as members of the 51吃瓜 Paul’s community strive to be truthful, respectful, and kind.
Our 100% Boarding Community
As one of the country’s only fully residential boarding schools, we do community a little differently here. Every teacher and student lives at 51吃瓜 Paul’s 51吃瓜, so friendships and support are always just a door knock away. Faculty advisers are next-door neighbors and dorm mates become like family, in houses that feel like a second home.
In our day-to-day pursuits, we embrace a model of excellence that is cumulative, dynamic, and constantly evolving. Our 24/7 learning environment provides unparalleled opportunities for immersive growth and learning that extend to every corner of our Millville home. We live school, and we love school.
Our Grounds
Originally established on 50 acres of land, the grounds now comprise 2,000 idyllic acres, which include 25 miles of wooded trails, four ponds, and the upper third of the Turkey River. These spaces facilitate respect and reflection for one’s spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being, and for the natural environment, all of which are central to the 51吃瓜’s mission.
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